Wellness council, aneb poradní kruh, ve kterém vám bude dobře Jana Stara, May 3, 2019 Wellness council je poradní kruh o tom, jak své dny žít spokojeně, radostně a zdravě. A protože jednomu čas od času dojde energie a inspirace, svolaly jsme s Evou 12 wellness councilů. Jak takový council funguje, jak vypadá a co jsme se naučily během tohoto společného roku? O tom jsme napsaly do newsletteru National Wellness Institutu. Článek v angličtině si můžete přečíst níže. This article was originally published in the National Wellness Institute member's newsletter in April 2019. How can we encourage wellness lifestyles even in countries where the wellness profession is not yet established? How to build upon the current resources in our communities and create a space where both the facilitators and participants or clients can learn and feel connected? In this article we share our approach and experiences from a year-long series of Wellness Councils. There can be moments when you realize that you are longing for a change. And moments when your life just doesn't seem right and your daily routine doesn't serve your needs. You may feel you need...
Co dnes ženy potřebují, aby jim bylo dobře? (odpovědi z GW4W akcelerátoru) Jana Stara, Mar 10, 2019 Za odpověď na tuto otázku by, věřím, mnoho žen i mužů dalo téměř cokoliv. Hledání spokojenosti je synonymem dnešní doby. Proto se v Londýně u příležitosti Mezinárodního dne žen konal akcelerátor GW4W s tématem: Celebrating women. Měli bychom totiž více oslavovat, jak se za posledních 100 let změnilo postavení žen ve společnosti. Stále je však na čem pracovat, a proto bych vám v tomto článku ráda přinesla několik myšlenek, které jsme v Londýně diskutovali. Přestože dnešní moderní ženy již nemusí stát jen u plotny, mohou volit a na sobě nosit téměř cokoliv, podle World Economic Fora bude trvat ještě dalších 100 let, než si budou ženy a muži v západní společnosti rovni . Navíc, úspěch moderních žen v osobním i profesím životě s sebou bohužel často nese takzvaný „Super-woman syndrom“, tedy syndrom super-ženy. Super-žena, znáte ji? To je ta, která zvládá být milující matkou pro své děti, podporující manželkou pro svého muže, pečlivou uklízečkou svého domu, ale také je zodpovědná ve své práci, podporuje své kolegy, je zdrojem kreativních nápadů pro nové projekty. Když tohle zvládne, ještě vyzvedne děti ze školy, rozveze je do kroužků a...
Global Women celebrate Wellness in London. Save the date 6th March and join us! Jana Stara, Feb 14, 2019 We have come a long way. More women are moving into leadership positions. We do need to celebrate. But there is more that needs to be done. The world needs no more super-women, but women still need super-powers to be heard and recognized for their true skills and beauties. Join us and get your voice heard at the next GW4W event in London supported by WellcomeCZ, hosted by Personal Touch Fitness. Everyone is welcome. For true gender equity, we need to recognize how our health and wellbeing is connected to our ability to lead and how those issues impact how we are seen as leaders. Despite women’s affinity groups and a lot of focus on mentoring women into more leadership positions, gender equity, including leadership equity, is going backwards, not forward ( World Economic Forum ). The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” ~ Serena Williams Register now by clicking on the invite below and guarantee your place on March 6th: •...
Celosvětový den wellness se bude konat v sobotu 9. června. Zapojte se! Jana Stara, Jun 7, 2018 Každý rok se druhou sobotu v červnu mluví o wellness po celém světě. Koná se totiž celosvětový den wellness, který je zasvěcený "dobrému životu". Letos tomu nebude jinak, proto si v sobotu 9. června udělejte chvíli času pro sebe nebo své blízké, a udělejte si "dobro". Jak na to? O tom jsme se bavili v Dobrém ránu s Českou televizí. Každý z nás by chtěl být zdravější, vypadat lépe nebo žít dobře fyzicky i duchovně. Životní pohoda je téměř celosvětově sdíleným snem. Vzhledem k tomu, že všechno, co je pro nás cenné, bylo oceněno zvláštním dnem, a proto vznik Global Wellness Day , celosvětový den wellness. Se sloganem „Jeden den může změnit celý tvůj život“, slavíme globální wellness den na druhou sobotu v červnu každý rok. Globální den zdraví je zcela neziskovou iniciativou. Jejím účelem je vám položit otázku: „Jak můžete žít zdravější a lepší život?“ a motivovat vás k tomu, abyste ten zdravější život zkusili žít, i když třeba jen na jeden den. V sobotu ale nemusíte hned vyrazit do wellness centra....
GDPR - ochrana osobních údajů Jana Stara, Jul 1, 2017 Milí, děkuji za Vaši návštěvu na mých lekcích, kurzech, workshopech a také na mým webových stránkách, těší mě Váš zájem. Ochrana vašeho soukromí při zpracování osobních údajů je pro mě důležitou záležitostí. Pokud jste mým zákazníkem nebo návštěvníkem webu, svěřujete mi své osobní údaje. Zodpovídám za jejich ochranu a zabezpečení. Seznamte se, prosím, s ochranou osobních údajů, zásadami a právy, které máte v souvislosti s GDPR (Nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů). Zásady ochrany osobních údajů platné a účinné od 1. 7. 2018 Toto jsou Zásady ochrany osobních údajů („Zásady“) fyzické osoby, OSVČ, paní Jana Staré, se sídlem Kuršova 30, Brno 635 00, IČ: 05459338, zapsané v Živnostenském rejstříku. Vzhledem k tomu, že jsem správcem osobních údajů, ráda bych Vás, uživatele webové stránky www.wellcome.cz , informovala o tom, jak zpracovávám Vaše osobní údaje. Tyto Zásady jsou zpracovány v souladu s nařízením Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679 – Obecným nařízením o ochraně osobních údajů, tzv. „GDPR“. Kde se na mě můžete obrátit? Obracet se na mě můžete s jakýmikoliv dotazy na mojí e-mailové adrese jana @wellcome.cz nebo na...
‘The Game of Wellness’: Introducing European youth workers to wellness through games - Let the magic happen! Jana Stara, May 20, 2017 It is mid-December, a dark and cold winter evening. A group of 30 youth workers from all across Europe gather in an educational center in the middle of a Czech forest. They sit on chairs in a circle, silently they are thinking: What do I need to fully arrive here? What do I want to carry with me when I leave? What is this Well-ness? Where is the nearest restroom? They are at the beginning of The Game of Wellness, a 7-days Erasmus+ training for trainers. In this article, I will share with you how our training team introduced them to the essence of wellness through experiential training that combined the best of wellness, principles of gamification and non-formal teaching methods - inspiring them to do things like – adopting dogs, building their own standing desks or designing their own trainings. In short - some magic happened there. What do you envision when you imagine the worst-case youth worker? When designing the Game of Wellness, we imagined a burnt-out person who works with great passion at the start of their career, but slowly loses the energy one day after another. Common issues being: Work-life non-balance (because when you work with passion, you don’t/shouldn’t care about long working hours, right?); low social and financial recognition (because nobody truly knows what you work on and you can never show a tangible product of your work - you are just playing with kids): a work task that can possibly never be accomplished (when can you be done with making this world a better place, making youth better...
The Game of Wellness - European training course for youth workers Jana Stara, Sep 14, 2016 Do you want to experience more wellness in your work and your days? Play more games and through your work change the world into a little better place? Take part in our training course! 'The Game of wellness' is a 7-day training course which aims to introduce and explore concept of “wellness” as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and introduce practical and fun tools and strategies of promoting holistic health and personal development in young people and youth workers. Venue: Kaprálův mlýn , Brno, Czech Republic Dates of the course: 9th – 17th December 2016 (7days training + 2 travelling days) Deadline for applications: 10th October 2016 Application: goo.gl/forms/QvsCyB9bh2LWQi6X2 The training course will focus both on the personal and professional development, how the concept of wellness can empower...
Promoting wellness in new times: using digital media and marketing strategy to reach new audiences Jana Stara, Jul 14, 2015 Digital media are often blamed for the sedentary behavior and unhealthy lives of so many and yes, people are spending more time sitting by their computers. Yet, they still want to be healthy and happy, so we need to talk to them the way they process information today – through their computers. While the word “wellness” has become part of our vocabulary, there are still many people the world over to whom this term remains unknown or unclear . These people comprise a new audience for us to communicate the meaning of wellness, its benefits, and its proven practices that lead to healthier and more satisfying lives. New times, new media, new possibilities We also live in the digital age, a transformative time that is often blamed for the sedentary behavior and unhealthy lives of so many. What if, though, as the thousands of “fitness apps” and other wellness tools online demonstrate to those who are tuned in to this lifestyle, we could reach some of the population that...
The Two Faces of Wellness in the Heart of Europe, in the Hearts of People from the Czech Republic Jana Stara, Mar 13, 2015 Due to its location in the very center of the old continent, the Czech Republic is often called the Heart of Europe. In this article I would like to introduce you to the two faces of wellness in my country. One is the wellness that calls itself wellness and then there is the other wellness that doesn’t know it is wellness - wellness that is hidden in the hearts of Czech people. Let´s start with the first case: Wellness that calls itself wellness In Europe there is a long spa tradition and the Czech Republic is no exception. As Czech borders opened 25 years ago, many modern trends have emerged in the country, and as wellness was one of them it naturally found its place in the spa resorts. Unfortunately there was no one to explain what the word wellness really meant so it became a marketing label for many things. Czech wellness follows a similar pattern as wellness in Germany, as described by Lutz Hertel . The word “wellness” has become a synonym for a type of service or a place where you go to feel better (so called wellness centers). Many spa resorts...
What do Americans expect when they enter a wellness center? (I asked the pros) Jana Stara, Jul 28, 2014 To clarify the wellness center: in Europe wellness happens in wellness centers, which is mostly a spa with several fitness machines. Those centers focus mainly on the services and procedures to offer and for many people wellness center is a place where you go and the good things (procedures) happen to you and at the end you feel better. What are American wellness centers like? Does American wellness even happen in a wellness center? We asked leading experts in the wellness field: Alida Moonen - wellness coordinator at Summa Health System First, a question for you: What is a wellness center? Here in the US, virtually every “fitness” center has now become a “wellness” center. Spas are now “wellness” centers. Health systems (hospitals) are now “wellness” systems. Holistic practitioners do so in “wellness” centers. So, what do Americans expect when they enter one of these places? Solutions to a problem that they probably created themselves by making health and lifestyle decisions that led to the need for solutions. What do they find? Tools and resources and skill sets that they should then apply to their lives so that they can achieve wellness. They don’t...